Pioneer Valley Kennel Club offers a Breed Handling Class for those who would like to show a dog in the conformation ring. Whether you are a brand new handler who would like to learn the ropes or a long-time handler with a new dog, this class will meet your training needs.
The classes are on a drop-in basis. This allows you to attend a class when the timing works for you, rather than on a strict weekly schedule.
Prices per class are $20 for PVKC members and $25 for non-members. Classes are held at the Franklin County Fairgrounds, Greenfield, MA.
The classes are on a drop-in basis. This allows you to attend a class when the timing works for you, rather than on a strict weekly schedule.
Prices per class are $20 for PVKC members and $25 for non-members. Classes are held at the Franklin County Fairgrounds, Greenfield, MA.